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Picture 23433

Sarn Ford.

"Farewell, and safe travels to you all."


Sarn Ford was the stone ford on the River Baranduin, on the far southern borders of the Shire. It was guarded by the Rangers of the North. However, on September 22, T.A. 3018, the Rangers were driven off by the arrival in the evening of the Ringwraiths.

A road beginning at Michel Delving crossed the ford, which met the Greenway further south. By this road Khamûl the Ringwraith entered the Shire during the War of the Ring.



Halbarad is Captian of Sarn Ford. He appears in Chapter 3 and 4. Later went to aid Aragorn in Minas Trith, bu died here.


Maradan is a merchant in Sarn Ford. He is always there.


Hador is Blacksmith of Sarn Ford. He is always there.


Eleran is a Dunadan. He is wounded in the chapter 1 by a Nazgul. If player heals him, he gives them a Numenorean Armor set from his familiy. Player must take this gift. He is always there ıf he is healed

If player does not heals him, he dies in the forward chapters.


Silanna is a nurse who lives in Sarn Ford. Yopu can take "Athelas" quest from her. Always there.


Luin is one of the Dunudan scouts. He go to Barrow Downs, with his friend, Kilaran. He escpaed Barrow Downs, and appears in 4 episode, later went to aid Aragorn. It is not know if he is died on Pelennor Fields, like Halbarad.



If player visits Ranger Tent, there is Silanna, which healing wounded Eleran. Silanna gives player this mission, because Eleran tooks Nazgul damage and Athelas can be heal him. Athelas can be found in the start of Barrow downs. Later player returns it to Silanna, Eleran rises up and gives player Numenorean equpiment.Also after that, Halbarad thanks a lot to the player because there is also so many losses in Nazgul attack and Eleran's revive makes Halbarad really happy.

But if player lates, Eleran dies.

(Note: Eleran's weapons are Eleran's Sword (For Eredan), Eleran's Staf (For Andriel) and Eleran's Axe (For Farin).)
